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Can you swim while pregnant?
Swim While Pregnant, The Answer is Yes, but pregnant women should avoid exercises that involve lying down or other positions in which the body is fully immersed in water.
Contrary to old fears and beliefs, even a little swimming can be beneficial for both mother and baby. In most cases, there are no constraints on swimming during pregnancy. However, it is important to know what precautions to take before plunging into the pool!
Gentle swimming with breaststroke
In fact, it’s better not to lie flat on your back in the water as this position makes you feel more weighed down.
You could resort to using flotation devices (available at any sports store), which help take some of the weight off your legs while allowing you to swim normally Moreover, lying on your back is not recommended, since the fetus could compress the veins of the mother (the blood returns to the fetus through these veins).
“The fetus does not like this position and can even induce a fainting spell,” explains Dr. Charles Claude Jacquet, pediatrician at Garches Hospital. “It is better to put your backside in the water; it’s called swimming using breaststroke.”
This is the only technique that ensures a good blood flow to both mother and child. “Many pregnant women think that doing aerobics is better than swimming, but it’s not true! Aerobic exercises (jogging, step classes) do not help blood circulation in the uterus, they actually make it worse!” specifies Dr. Jacquet.
Is it safe to swim while pregnant in the first trimester?
The first trimester is a very delicate phase when the baby (fetus) is developing. The organs and nerve cells are first forming.
There will be no amniotic fluid protecting your baby against infection from external sources such as bacteria from the water in swimming pools, rivers or lakes.
Swimming on these waters at this time of pregnancy might expose you to infections that can harm fatal development.
For the same reason, it’s not recommended to go spelunking at this early stage because of possible infections you may be exposed to by underwater caves.
The healthiest thing for those women planning pregnancy is wait until their second trimester before taking any contact with water other than showers or baths without scrubbing so hard as to open the skin.
What to wear while swimming?
What’s the best outfit for pregnant women when they wan to go swimming?
During pregnancy, it is recommended for women to wear a swimsuit that covers as much body parts in order to protect their skin against possible infections through the water.
It also allows them to be more able while enjoying their time under water and being comfortable at the same time. The key thing here is not wearing something too tight nor something that could get loose and fall down during your maternity.
which could lead other people seeing your “bare” state! Wearing pre-fitted or adjustable swimsuits makes it easier according to where you are in your pregnancy. It should also have good support and thick straps so that it doesn’t fall down.
Can you swim while pregnant in the lake?
It is very safe to swim while pregnant in the lake. You do not have to worry about it at all. However, you should observe precautions and avoid strenuous swimming, swimming after eating heavy meals and keep away from certain fishes which are known for their toxicity.
What if I am allergic to water, what should I do?
If you are allergic to water or get some rashes after entering into water then you must take necessary steps before going into the lake.
Consult your doctor first who will diagnose your condition and accordingly prescribe medicine as well as he may advice you not to go for a swim while pregnant till such time its cured completely.
So please bear this point in mind that even contact with water can be harmful if you are having any such allergic problems or medical issues.
Can you learn to swim while pregnant?
Even if you are a good swimmer before pregnancy, remember that your body will change during pregnancy. You should always talk with your doctor before starting any new physical activity program while pregnant.
However, there are some pool exercises that may be safe and beneficial during pregnancy if done properly under the direction of a certified fitness professional.
Generally speaking, water provides natural resistance against the muscles and joints without putting extra strain on the joints or other muscles not used while swimming. As a result, there is the potential to experience improved endurance and strength during pregnancy when training in water versus on land.
If you are a good swimmer before pregnancy, remember that your body will change during pregnancy. The extra weight of the baby will make it more difficult for you to move in the water at first, but as you get stronger, you’ll be able to swim faster with less effort than before your pregnancy.
Keep in mind that swimming can be physically demanding particularly if done in a heated pool or if long distances swim. Before starting any new physical activity program including swimming exercise during pregnancy, always talk with your doctor.
When should I start learning to swim?
If I were going to take up swimming lessons, should I do it before or after the baby is born?
It is generally safe to learn how to swim while pregnant. The extra weight of the baby will make it more difficult for you to move in the water at first, but as you get stronger, you’ll be able to swim faster with less effort than before your pregnancy.
If I were going to take up swimming lessons, should I do it before or after the baby is born? If you have not taken up swimming as a form of exercise before your pregnancy, then it would be best to take up lessons during the first trimester.
You will have more energy and may feel better in general during this time. Additionally, if you begin in early pregnancy, there is less chance that you will need to stop due to morning sickness or fatigue related to pregnancy.
As mentioned earlier, remember that your body will change during pregnancy and you should always talk with your doctor before starting any new physical activity program while pregnant.